Strategic Human Rights Litigation - new book is out!

Strategic human rights litigation (SHRL) is the staple area of HRP’s work. It is also a growing area of international practice around the globe, as advocates increasingly resort to national, regional and international courts and bodies 'strategically' to protect and advance human rights. A new book by Helen Duffy, written with the support of the Nuhanovic Foundation and many survivors, advocates and others, seeks to provide a framework for understanding SHRL and its contribution to change, as well as its limitations.  Several detailed case studies, drawn predominantly from the author's own experience, explore the role of SHRL in a range of contexts, such as in response to genocide in Guatemala, slavery in Niger, torture and detention in the 'war on terror' and land rights violations in Palestine. Ultimately, this book contributes to a discussion on how impact analysis might influence the development of more effective litigation strategies in the future.

The book is available here.
